NOAH'S STORY Remembering the future
The 11th Planet

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All truth passes through three stages:

First, it is ridiculed;

Second, it is violently opposed; and

Third, it is accepted as self-evident.

--- Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

So, we have presented a lot of evidence in support of there being another planet on the other side of the sun, which shares Earths orbit. Ranging from ancient knowledge, to recent information, and including the fact that the orbits of the planets, including Earth, seem to suggest that there is another planet that is acting on them. Newtonian mechanics is at work again, and the idea of a space-time distortion as the answer, seems more like the fiction in this case.

Perhaps, when the planet is acknowledged, they will name the planet, Casutt, after me, (Brandon J. Casutt) for bringing it's existence to light. J (Ya, in my dreams)  Ok, so that's not likely to happen.

Anyway, there is more I would like to talk about, but I will save it, or add it to the site later. Some subjects I would like to add later are, Earths water, the Freemasons, some old paintings, scriptures, the Dead Sea Scrolls, Mythology, Legends and Folklore, Egyptian religion, travel back and forth to the planet (Father Earth), and Aliens, stores from some who say they have been abducted, more from NASA, and the formation of worlds around a brawn dwarf. All of these, (and more) further support that, there is another planet, which shares Earths orbit.

For some time now, I have been writing a book. The book is a fictional book that is baste on facts, and real possibilities.

The name of the book is


Remembering the future

(By Brandon J. Casutt)


The story actually has very little to do with the 11th planet, that we have been talking about here.

NOAH'S STORY dos not just tell a story, but revels many truths, facts and realistic theories that make the hard to believe, believable.

The facts and theories that make up the other 90 something % of what the book is about, will really grab your attention. You are likely to still be thinking and talking about it, long after you have put the book down. More importantly, because of the information in the book, NOAH'S STORY is likely, and quite probably, the most important fiction you will ever read!

At the time of writing this, I don't know when the book will be available.  I will update this site, about when it will be available, just as soon as I find out.

If the book has little to do with the 11th planet, then why did I start the website about the 11th planet?

Mostly because I do not know of anyone, or any other site, that is talking about the 11th planet. Plus, the 11th planet is Earth, so the other planet, (father Earth) is the real and first one to be the 3rd planet (from the sun). Therefore, to be talking about the 11th planet, is to be talking about are home, Earth. In addition, not all, but much of the other stuff, in the book, is talked about somewhere on the web, although, no one seems to be putting everything together, the way that the book does, and showing how it all fits together. You will be surprised, how many seemingly different subjects, are connected. In fact, they make more sense, when you see and understand the connections.

We are now living in a period of time, of the great restitution. To quote one scripture, (Acts 3: 21,) "the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began." Ancient knowledge is being restored, or relearned. There is still much more to be learned.

A bigger world is just outside the door, and we have been trying to understand it by looking out the windows. Perhaps, it is time to step outside and understand the future. Let's take the journey together.


Sincerely, Brandon J. Casutt


Sincerely, Brandon J. Casutt